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About the Artist

I have loved art for as long as I can remember. ย I was always drawing and painting as a child and I knew I wanted to be an artist. However, life got busy with children and a small hobby farm. I stopped drawing for a long time and began again after my conversion. I am now in my later years I am doing what I love. To use my gifts as an artist to create works of beauty. ย 

I call myself a Holy Spirit taught artist because I have had no formal art training except art class in high school, and two-coloured pencil classes after my conversion. I began decorating candles at the request of my pastor who asked me to decorate the Paschal Candle. From that small seed Resurrection Candles was born. Learning to manipulate wax to create works of beauty has indeed been a work of the Holy Spirit who is always flooding me with wonderful new techniques and styles, and inspiration. I love being able to take old discarded candle wax, something that is useless and make it into something beautiful. Resurrecting old things into something new, weather it is wax, old rosaries, medals, or clothes, is a work of joy for me.

In addition to creating candles, I am also a colour pencil artist and I enjoy drawing in my spare time. I love to capture the beauty of Gods creation and enjoy those small details.

My mission as an artist is to evangelize through works of beauty. Art for me is to capture the beautiful. It is my hope that when gazing upon beauty one will be lifted up to a realm where the one who is beauty itself dwells and thereby be infused with the goodness and truth that beauty conveys. I believe that it is beauty that will transform our world.

Connect with me to create a work of beauty for your home or parish.